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Your files will be saved and stored locally on your computer. Through its multiple configurations, HiveDrive does not require servers or cloud storage spaces but it is however possible to associate these services if already in use, always ensuring intellectual property of your work.

It is possible to work independently at different times. By adding HiveDrive HUB tool, you don't have to wait for your co-workers to download files before stopping your work or going home at the end of the day.

HiveDrive HUB is an additional tool, completely free, which allows you to access advanced features such as HiveDrive web portal and Project Management Tool. You can decide whether or not to use this tool and therefore whether to install it independently and for free on-premise or subscribe to our hosting service at any time.

HiveDrive HUB is optional but we strongly recommend it to freelancers that need to ensure a complete and effective backup, all those teams of multiple members or design firms with multiple locations that need to handle projects and resources, allowing the browsing of files more efficiently getting access to a feature called "Accelerator" that optimizes and speeds up performance while team gets bigger.

HiveDrive gives a file-sharing platform even to the most complex software that you are using daily, which increases the speed of exchange and reduces the usual slowing problems of a cloud solution, preserving standards and high levels of privacy.

Certainly. HiveDrive allows you to manage levels of read and write authorization and therefore to make files available both inside and outside your organization, respecting company rules, industrial secret and confidentiality policies where are underway.

You don't need a server or a cloud service to get started, but just the tools that are already in use on your computer. You can register to HiveDrive, download the software and start collaborating right away by inviting other users to your working group.

HiveDrive, by its nature, works with any software as it is integrated with your PC operating system. Consequently, integrations are already included with Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite but also with complex design software (Autodesk Revit, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Dassault and SolidWorks) to provide enhanced functionalities. Public APIs are provided to allow customized integrations independently, if necessary.

Once subscribing to a paid license, the installations of the product are unlimited. However, it is possible to work on up to 2 (two) PCs at the same time. At the third attempt to open, you will be forced to disconnect one of the other two machines already in use or you will need to sign up for a new subscription.

Yes, the trial version allows you to work with all the software features.

HiveDrive Basic version enables web browser-only use of the system for the Project Management and Web File Access modules (requires a HiveDrive HUB), while HiveDrive Professional and Enterprise versions install the product on your computer and enable HiveDrive Client and HiveDrive add-ins. Check out our feature comparison page here.

Licenses are managed through the SilentWave portal my.silentwave.eu (https://my.silentwave.eu/en/). SilentWave is the IT company that designed and developed HiveDrive solution. From this portal it is possible to perform all the necessary operations on the products, subscriptions or free of charge installations, including account upgrade at any time, when it becomes necessary.

Yes, you can share files or folders between HiveDrive users, no matter if they are Basic and Professional or Enterprise. All versions can communicate with each other without distinction but they are subject to the limitations on the number of available accounts for the individual versions. Precisely for this reason, there is the possibility to release temporary licenses on free loan, while retaining ownership, and manage them through the license portal my.silentwave.eu (https://my.silentwave.eu/en/), property of SilentWave, the IT company that designed and developed HiveDrive.

It is a regular subscription, Basic, Professional or Enterprise, which can be assigned to a person out of your organization or working group for a limited and predetermined time, even less than 12 months of subscription, keeping the unused months active and allowing them to be re-assigned during a whole period of maximum 24 months from the starting date of the subscription.

Of course, the files are saved locally on your computer so they can also be consulted later if you no longer want to renew your license.

HiveDrive is a product digitally signed by SilentWave, the IT company that designed and developed the solution, which participates and follows all the antivirus certification paths on a regular basis, ensuring cybersecurity policies.

HiveDrive is an effective system to guarantee the integrity of your files from ransomware virus attacks as it will always be possible to go back to the previous version of your work. The SilentWave Team, which has designed and developed HiveDrive, is available both to draft competently your security policies if necessary and/or to recover files in the unfortunate event of ransomware attacks from a technical point of view.

For users who need to keep project data and files totally private or confidential or internal to their infrastructure but at the same time have the advantages of a cloud solution (accessibility, geographical distribution, reliability, performance, extended connectivity), our suggestion is to install HiveDrive HUB. In a "private" cloud scenario, HiveDrive HUB is installed on the server owned by the user, which is published on the internet or accessible via VPN depending on the degree of security required, and therefore allows access to collaborators while maintaining data and documents exclusively in the hardware owned by the user (or by carefully selected and trusted collaborators). It is possible to install more than one HiveDrive HUB without license limits or by subscribing to additional subscriptions on multiple owned servers, even geographically located in different places, to increase reliability and performance. If you need help to choose the right infrastructure, contact us!

For users who need to have the benefits of a cloud solution (accessibility, geographic distribution, reliability, performance, extended connectivity), but at the same time keep their project data and files private or confidential, our suggestion is to install HiveDrive HUB. In a "hybrid" cloud scenario, HiveDrive HUB is installed on a server hosted by a third-party cloud service provider or a virtual server, and therefore allows access to collaborators by giving up the ownership aspects of the hardware but gaining performance and connectivity. It is possible to install more than one HiveDrive HUB without license limits or by taking out additional subscriptions on more than one hosted or virtual server. If you need help to choose the right infrastructure, contact us!